Why the Name???

July 18th, 2007 by Frank Zitzman

We’ve chosen the name TROY’S CREATION MINISTRY in memory of our precious son. On June 29, 2004, Troy-boy, as we affectionately called him, went home to be with the LORD.

Troy was such a joy to have in our home. He constantly had a smile on his face, and was always looking for ways to enjoy life. He seemed to have a mission to make people happy. Oh, how we miss his joyful presence!!!!

Troy’s determined spirit was another attribute that we greatly admired. He consistently tried to make the best of every situation he found himself in, and he was especially aggressive when a challenge was put before him. His tenacity with goals was both convicting and inspirational to us. Oh, what a wonderful gift the LORD gave us in that special boy!!!

Troy-boy was seventeen, and the last of our four children to be at home. Words cannot describe the immense sorrow that avalanched our life on that heartbreaking day in June when Troy was killed in a horrific motorcycle accident.

As a parent, I can think of no more perilous storm than losing a child that you deeply loved. Having your faith rooted and grounded in the right foundation makes all the difference when that kind of tragedy comes crashing into your life.

Our mission with TROY’S CREATION MINISTRY is to point others to the most reliable and trustworthy foundation in the universe, God’s Holy Word. We know how God’s Truth can be an anchor of comfort and peace in a sea of grief. We want others to know that blessing as well.

Experiencing the AIG Creation Museum will instill in you the great reality of a loving Creator who has provided not only salvation through His Son Jesus Christ, but also the most dependable and secure foundation that is available to mankind. How thankful we are for the life-giving and life-sustaining Word of God!!! We’re confident that a visit to this unique museum will greatly enhance your thankfulness for and your confidence in God’s Living (Jesus) and Written (Bible) Word.

3 Comments on “Why the Name???”

  1. Terri Kochert said:

    I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your son, Troy. What a way to honor his life by directing others to the Creator of all things. I know that you must miss him so. I can not imagine the pain you have endured. Again, I am impressed you desire to open your home to others in order to direct them to the Creation Museum. That undoubtedly would have pleased Troy.

    Terri Kochert

  2. Caryn said:

    Dear Frank,

    I am so thankful for brothers and sisters like you and your wife, whose lives and love reflect trust in Christ… the One from whom “comfort overflows.” (2 Cor. 1:5) He was my comfort when I lost my son (10-12-03), and may He be our mainstay forever.

    Thank you for choosing to glorify God, no matter your circumstances. God be praised forever.

    love in the Lamb,
    Caryn H.

  3. Lori G. said:

    Thank you for this beautiful ministry in your son’s memory. I came to know Christ on the day my 4 year old daughter died in 2001, from a very sudden bacterial infection. Without Him, I too could not be the joyful person I am today, raising our second child, a son, who was born just 2 years ago. The Lord has also given me a special interest in creation science and I hope to visit the museum in the next year. I’m sure Troy would be very blessed to know how you are helping others come to know the Truth in his memory and honor.

    God bless,
